YOUR big day is here…no, not your wedding day. YOUR DAY. The bridal session day. The day where its ALL ABOUT YOU and your dress. Here are some tips to make your bridal session day successful.
1) Get plenty of sleep the night before. I think that goes without saying but its easier to be calm and rested before your portrait day than it is the wedding day.
2)Drink plenty of water for the few days prior and on the day of your session.
3) Have your bag packed with all of your essentials and double check it!
4) Arrive to your hair/makeup appointment on time. If you are doing your hair and makeup yourself, allow for extra time just in case there are distractions etc. You don’t want to run late and be stressed out! Even if you are an exceptional makeup artist, I do recommend having your make -up and hair done. It’s a great way to stay relaxed and stress free and feel pampered during this process. (Even I don’t take my own family portraits but hire other photographers!)
5) Allow for time to get dressed on location. Sometimes getting into dresses take longer than you expect and you can get frustrated and stressed out especially if your photographer or venue have you on a strict time slot (we try never to book a bridal session too close to another commitment so that we never have to rush but some of the venues do have specific time slots that we have to adhere to!)
6) Bring an assistant or ask your photographer if they will be able to help you. This is a per photographer basis. Some photographers prefer to be alone with the bride so as the bride is not distracted and has their full attention on the session. I actually like having a Maid of Honor, mother etc. tag along as they are always super helpful with carrying trains or umbrellas if it is (god forbid) rainy and keep the bride relaxed. It helps me get to know the bride more and more people that are key players in the wedding get to know me. Makes wedding days much more fun! If you do bring an assistant please make sure they know not to use their phone/cameras during this time.
7) Have fun and enjoy the process. Do not be shy or self-conscious…because it really is all about you on this day. All of the attention is yours so yes, everyone is looking at you and envying your beautiful bridal glow!