Have you ever stepped foot in a Walgreens drug store? If you are like me, you have. They are a 24 hour haven of last minute sanity and prescription medicine. If you have ever dashed in for last minute Easter Candy, (not that I have, that Easter Bunny is on the ball, I swear!) or frantically picked up some waterproof mascara before a sappy movie with the girls (of which I also have no experience whatsoever...) than you are probably familiar with the Red Nose Campaign! Walgreens partners with Comic Relief Inc. to raise over $60 million dollars since 2015. The money and donations are used to provide children with food, safe housing, vaccinations and medicine.
"The Red Nose Day Fund provides grants annually to charities who demonstrate they are doing work in the US and overseas to help end child poverty." You can find out more information about the campaign on the website.
I am all for giving back. We (the family behind Magnolia Ridge) have been blessed many times over and continue to work with amazing couples. We work a lot with animal charity programs as they are close to our heart but we have also walked and contributed to such events as The March of Dimes and The Colon Cancer Walk, The Hero Run (Dress as a Superhero to raise money and awareness for Lung Cancer).
It was a distinct pleasure to photograph the wedding of a Walgreen's Pharmacist who had the heart to incorporate the company charity into her big day! Red Noses at a Wedding! This playful couple was so much fun through the whole day but it really made my heart happy to see how willing and eager they were to create awareness and support this charity! Stay tuned for more photos from their entire wedding, but until then, let's get ready to celebrate Red Nose day on May 25th, 2017 with a glimpse at all the Red Nose Fun at their wedding. Don't forget to go to Walgreen's and pick up your Red Noses and show them off at work, play, and social media on the 25th!!!